Bacon: The Adventures of a Little Cajun Pig: Bacon Cooks a Gumbo
Bacon is the story of a Cajun pig who loves music, cooking, and dreams of adventure. He hungers for a taste of gumbo one day, but cannot get help from family or friends. Rather than wallow in self-pity or abandon his quest, Bacon uses his "Pig-Smarts" to convince his friends to help. Together they learn that life is more fun when you work together. They are reminded that LOVE is the best ingredient for a happy life.
About the Author
Flora was born and raised in Louisiana. She has always been a child of the world - both in real time and in her dreams. But in her heart, she will always be that young country girl from Acadiana.
Illustrated by Steve Seneca: Steve grew up amidst the bayous and canefields of southern Louisiana. He began drawing and painting at an early age. Today he lives the life of a full-time artist - evidence that dreams really do come true.
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